首先是 [[ Bob ]] 提到了 [[ 迟早更新 ]]指出,灵感买家俱乐部会使用一些实际上是一种矛盾的表达方式和语言,例如「一起各自玩」、「冷漠的热情」。这让我想起了 [[ 温尼科特 ]]的语言,他也使用了很多类似的充满悖论的措辞。这种现象可能很有趣,我本来就是想用 [[ 温尼科特 ]]的理论来解释灵感买家俱乐部对于创作的促进。这种语言的诞生或许因为很多时候,我们的心智并不允许出现这种矛盾的状态,因此语言无法准确地表达这种逻辑。
Winnicott also extensively employs paradoxical language. In Basic Fault, [[ Balint ]] astutely highlights that the production of paradoxical languages originates from the limitations of adult languages, serving as a resolution to the Oedipal complex. However, in an early phase, such as the area of creation (similar to transitional space) and basic fault, it predates the Oedipal stage. It involves only two persons instead of three and is much more primitive. Consequently, adult language proves inadequate and even inappropriate for use in these contexts, compelling the invention of new ways of expression, leading to the development of paradoxical language.